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Master data 1131792700048
Site number: 1131792700048
Community: Boos
District: Unterallgäu
Operator: WWA Kempten
Aquifer: Quartär
Measurement site depth under ground: 12.00
Ground level [mNN]: 565.63
Measuring point height [mNN]: 566.60
Groundwaterbody name: Quartär - Illertissen
Groundwaterbody code: 1_G009
Measurement site currently in these measurement networks:
- entire measuring network
- WFD measuring network
- 3rd management plan (chemical measuring)
- measuring network for implementing the German fertilizer regulation (DüV §13 a) - 2022
Location of the station 1131792700048
Measurement site | Category |
Lauben | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel |
Nattenhausen | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel |
Egelsee | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel |
Heimertingen | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel |
Aitrach KW | Rivers: Runoff |
Ferthofen | Rivers: Runoff |
Eldern HRB UW | Rivers: Waterlevel |
Engetried HRB UW | Rivers: Waterlevel |
Westerheim-Süd | Rivers: Waterlevel |
Westerheim-Nord | Rivers: Waterlevel |
Mündung Iller km 47.6 | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Oh. Mündung | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
50m uh. Rampe km 18,6 | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
uh. Schwelle Altenstadt - km 29,116 | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Oh. Mündung Schwelk | Rivers: Chemistry |
Uh. Moosmühle | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Straßenbr. Bubenhausen | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Br. uh. Vöhringen | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
oh. Mdg. Hurlenbach | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
uh. Mdg. Hauptgraben | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Br. Unterwiesenbach-Wattenweiler | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Br. Rummeltshausen-Günz | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Uh. KA Kammlach | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Oh. Mündung | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Straßenbr. Lautrach-Legau | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Uh. Strabrü.Herretshofen-Weiler | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Oh. Mdg. | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Straßenbrücke oh. Babenhausen | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Uh. Landesgrenze | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Uh. KA Babenhausen | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Hängebrücke uh. KW Legau Illerstufe 6 | Rivers: Chemistry |
Brücke Mühlenweg uh. Mdg. Schwelk | Rivers: Chemistry |
Südl. Westerheim, natürlicher Abschnitt | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Oh. Ochsenhans, uh. Verrohrung | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
1 km nördl. Liebenthannmühle | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
oh. Wegbr. Tennispl. Krumbach | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Oh. Mündung, Iller km 18,6 | Rivers: Biology |
Brücke Unterau | Rivers: Biology |
Oh. Mündung | Rivers: Biology |
oh. Strabrü. Neumühle | Rivers: Biology |
EGG D 4 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
UNTEREICHEN 931 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
AU/KLAERANLAGE D 74 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
OBENHAUSEN D 13 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
WORINGEN (XI) | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Kellmünz T 19 | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
Illertissen T 12 | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
Aumühlquelle 27/2 | Groundwater: Flow of well |
Sontheim 3/06 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Goldrinne Oberrieden | Groundwater: Flow of well, Temperature of springs |
Roggenburg T 13 | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
Kalkofenquelle | Groundwater: Flow of well |
ZELLER MUEHLBACH 1302 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BETLINSHAUSEN 754 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BUBENHAUSEN 420A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
WALTENHAUSEN 967 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
UNTEREICHEN 933 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
VOEHRINGEN 971 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
JEDESHEIM B 12 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
ILLER KM 29.116 6 U | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
ILLER KM 29.116 42 U | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
ILLER KM 25.2 2502 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
NOERDL.ILLERZELL 1001 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
AU,CHEM.FABRIK GRUE.C | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BELLENBERG WV A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BELLENBERGER WEG C | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
AUER WEG E | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
NORDW. ILLERTISSEN L | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
AU, RATHAUS FLBR. | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
AU, FINKENWEG FLBR. | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
AU,UNTERER SAUM B | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
ILLERTISSEN 2103 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
VOEHRINGEN/WALZM. 973 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
ILLER KM 25.2 2515 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
ILLER KM 25.2 2516 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
ILLER KM 27.1 2718 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
ILLERTISSEN 2303 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
WEGKOPF 797 | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
GRUENAU 799 | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
AU D 24 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Senden, Illerwehrstr. N2 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Senden, Sportplatz N3a | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Illerzell, Schulzentrum N5 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Illerzell, Friedhof N6 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Thal Nord (Schlössleweg) N7 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Vöhringen, Schleifweg (Friedhof) N8 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Bellenberg Süd, St 2031 N9 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Vöhringen, Emmershofer Weg (101) | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Vöhringen, Bauschuttdeponie (M3) | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Vöhringen, Kässbohrer Süd (BGW 5) | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Illerberg, Kässbohrer Ost (BGW 7) | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Wullenstetten, Kässbohrer Nord (BGW 2) | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Thal, Prielweg | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Vöhringen, Iller Fluß-km 17,2 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Aussiedlerhof, nördlich Illerzell | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BENNINGEN D 64 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
OTTERW./NIEDERRIEDEN | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
Erkheim T17 | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
PLESS 755 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BOOS 756 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
HEIMERTINGEN 972 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
KETTERSHAUSEN D 5 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
TAFERTSHOFEN | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
MARKT GROENENBACH | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
OTTOBEUREN D 67 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
ILLERTISSEN 2204 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
VOEHRINGEN D 72 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Krumbach WWA | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Stolzenhofen VB 1f | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Stolzenhofen VB 1t | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
THAL 752 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
HOHENRAUNAU 798 | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
WULLENSTETTEN 751 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
SONTHEIM D 14 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BETLINSH./ILLERTISS.K | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BELLENBERG/MUEHLBACH A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Leipziger Straße | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Bellenberg, südl. Sportanlage | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BELLENB./MUEHLB. 1604 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Gablonzerweg, Unterflur | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BELLENB./WERKKANAL1602 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Bellenberg, Grieshofweg, Unterflur | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BELLENBERG/WANGEN 1601 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BELLENB./ILLERUF. 1701 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BELLENBERG B | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Bellenberg, Parkplatz Sportanlage | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BELLENBERGER AU 1702 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Bellenberg, Illertaltangente, Unterflur | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BELLENB./TANGENTE 1603 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BETLINSHAUSEN 969 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GWM 6 HRB Sontheim | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GWM 8 HRB Sontheim | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GWM 9 HRB Sontheim | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Altlast Mindelheimer Str GWM 3 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GWM 1 HRB Sontheim | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GWM 3 HRB Sontheim | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Altablagerung Sontheim GWM 1/09 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GWM 4 HRB Sontheim | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GWM 5 HRB Sontheim | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GWM 3/03 WV Sontheim | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GWM 2 HRB Sontheim | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GWM 7 HRB Sontheim | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
AUWALD VOEHR. 1503 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
IM BRAND VOEHR. 1502 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Memmingerberg WRRL GWM 1/20 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GWM 5/23 HRB Westerheim WWA Kempten | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
GWM 4/23 HRB Westerheim WWA Kempten | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
GWM 1/23 HRB Westerheim WWA Kempten | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GWM 3/23 HRB Westerheim WWA Kempten | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GWM 6/23 HRB Westerheim WWA Kempten | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GWM 9/23 HRB Westerheim WWA Kempten | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GWM 13/23 HRB Westerheim WWA Kempten | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GWM 2/23 HRB Westerheim WWA Kempten | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GWM 12/23 HRB Westerheim WWA Kempten | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GWM 10/23 HRB Westerheim WWA Kempten | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GWM 7F/23 HRB Westerheim WWA Kempten | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GWM 14/23 HRB Westerheim WWA Kempten | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GWM 8/23 HRB Westerheim WWA Kempten | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GWM 11/23 HRB Westerheim WWA Kempten | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GWM 7T/23 HRB Westerheim WWA Kempten | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
1131792600188 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1132802600025 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
4110772800016 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131772600051 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
4110762600010 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
4110762700001 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
4110802700085 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131792700048 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
4120792700166 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
4110782800020 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1132782700146 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1132812700171 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131802700312 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
4120812700150 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
4110792700013 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1132812600062 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131802800111 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131792700213 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
4110782700006 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131782700127 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
4120802700019 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
4120812800138 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
4120802700364 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131792700176 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131802700314 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131772700019 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131782700131 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
Breitenbrunn-Fürbuch | Meteorology: Precipitation, Snow |
Reschenberg | Meteorology: Precipitation, Wind, Air temperatur, Air moisture, Global radiation |
Lautrach | Meteorology: Precipitation, Wind, Air temperatur, Air moisture, Global radiation |