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- 1132743200079 >
- Master data
Master data 1132743200079
Site number: 1132743200079
Community: Hollenbach
District: Aichach-Friedberg
Operator: WWA Donauwörth
Aquifer: Vorlandmolasse
Measurement site depth under ground: --
Ground level [mNN]: 463.00
Measuring point height [mNN]: --
Groundwaterbody name: Vorlandmolasse - Aichach
Groundwaterbody code: 1_G050
Measurement site currently in these measurement networks:
- WFD measuring network
- EU nitrate measuring network
- entire measuring network
- EEA measuring network
- 2nd management plan (chemical measuring)
- 3rd management plan (chemical measuring)
- measuring network for implementing the German fertilizer regulation (DüV §13 a) - 2021
- measuring network for implementing the German fertilizer regulation (DüV §13 a) - 2022
Location of the station 1132743200079
Measurement site | Category |
Donauwörth | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature, Suspended sediment |
Achsheim | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel |
Haunstetten | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel |
Augsburg u. d. Wertachmündung | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel |
Dasing | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel |
Mühlried | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel |
Blumenthal | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel |
Pöttmes | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel |
Bertoldsheim KW | Rivers: Runoff |
Bittenbrunn KW | Rivers: Runoff |
Neuburg | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel |
Augsburg Oberhausen | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel |
Mering | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel |
Druisheim | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel |
Odelzhausen | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel |
Aichach Blauer Steg | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel |
Rennertshofen | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel |
Altenfurt | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel |
Grabmühle | Rivers: Waterlevel |
Deutenhofen | Rivers: Waterlevel |
Augsburg Hochablaß | Rivers: Water temperature, Water temperature |
Schäfstall Pegel | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Augsburg Hochablaß | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
KW Feldheim OW | Rivers: Chemistry |
BITTENBRUNN KW-OW | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Strbr. oh. Mdg. | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Inningen, Str. Br. | Rivers: Chemistry |
ehemaliges Goggeleswehr | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
1 km oh. Br. Thierh. - Mutterbett (km 22,25) | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Br. Moosmühle | Rivers: Chemistry |
BRUECKE HATZENHOFEN | Rivers: Chemistry |
Rinnenthal Br. Sportplatz | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Hörzhausen | Rivers: Chemistry |
Br.westl. Mühlried | Rivers: Chemistry |
Wegbrücke bei Bannacker | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
L3 70m oh Br. Staust. Bergheim | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Segelflugplatz Burgheim | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Br. Waldrand Kochheim | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
oh. Dickelsmoor - oh. Fischzucht | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
uh. KA TBA Mering | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
uh. ehem. KA Gebenhofen | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Straßenbr. bei Dieß | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
uh. KA Pessenburgheim | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
uh. Deponie Südzucker | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
uh Appertshausen | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
300m uh KA Friedberg-Nord | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Straßenbr. Blumenthal | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
uh. KA ZV Kabisbachgruppe | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
oh. Wegbr. Haunstetten-Hochablaß | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
oh. Wegbr. - oh. Bahnlinie | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Straßenbr. oh. Mdg. | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Straßenbr. alte B 16 | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
uh. ehem. KA Biberbach | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
uh. Mühle Gablingen | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
80m uh Amtsgrenze | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Straßenbr. westl. Altisheim | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Flkm 39,0 Furthmühle | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
uh Kleinberghofen | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
oh. Mdg. in die Paar | Rivers: Chemistry |
oh. Br. südliches Ortsende Zell | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
1km uh Br Altmannstetten | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
700m oh Mündung in Ach | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Br. südl. KA Dinkelshausen | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Br. Genderkingen-Rain | Rivers: Chemistry |
Neuburg Brandlbad Schwebstoff | Rivers: Chemistry |
Oh KA Adelzhausen | Rivers: Chemistry |
Br Tödtenried | Rivers: Chemistry |
Täfertingen | Rivers: Chemistry |
Augsburg Stadion | Rivers: Chemistry |
Br Hunzenhof | Rivers: Chemistry |
Br westl Hoerzhausen | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Schlagmühle Gempfing | Rivers: Chemistry |
Oh Mdg in die Paar | Rivers: Chemistry |
Wolfzahnauwehr OW | Rivers: Chemistry |
oh Mdg in Wertach | Rivers: Chemistry |
Straßenbrücke oh. Mündung in Ach | Rivers: Chemistry |
untere Br Hugenottenweg | Rivers: Chemistry |
Kraftwerk OW | Rivers: Chemistry |
Brandweg | Rivers: Chemistry |
Brücke St 2047 | Rivers: Chemistry |
uh KW Inningen | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Straßenbr oh Einmdg Kabisbach | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Bäumenheim Br. Josef Dunau Ring | Rivers: Chemistry |
oh. Strbr. Münster | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
oh. KA Hollenbach | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Bittenbrunn 700 m uh KW | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
oh. Lechsend | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Br. Herbertshofen | Rivers: Chemistry |
Straßenbr. Dasing B 300 | Rivers: Chemistry |
uh. Hochablaß Augsb. - Mutterbett | Rivers: Biology |
Fluss-km 50,4 | Rivers: Biology |
300 m oh Moos | Rivers: Biology |
Wegbr. nach Gallenbach | Rivers: Biology |
Br. uh. KA Aresing | Rivers: Biology |
Br. östl. Schainbach | Rivers: Biology |
uh. alter Kühlwassereinl. Zott | Rivers: Biology |
HOHENZELL T 6f | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
SANKT AFRA (24404) | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
EGGELSTETTEN 63A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Genderkingen Bhf. 64a | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Thierhaupten D 41 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
SCHNOEDHOF 111 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
HEINRICHSHEIM 34.02 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Niederschönenfeld 109B | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
MERTINGEN 8C | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Rehling St. Stephan D36 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Schnödhof-Kapelle Q4 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
HOHENZELL T 6t | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
ROTTBACH T 11 | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
PIPINSRIED T2f | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
PIPINSRIED T2t | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
Hollenbach | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
BERGHEIM B4 | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
Obergriesbach T5 | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
Gempfing W4 | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
Haslangkreit T6 | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
ALLMANNSHOFEN 16A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
RAIN 112 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BOBINGEN-NO. 578 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Augsburg 596 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
MUEHLHAUSEN 742 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
LECHHAUSEN 642 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
LECHHAUSEN 643 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
LECHHAUSEN 645 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
LECHHAUSEN 98B | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
DERCHING 638 A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Lechhausen 640 A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GERSTHOFEN TB NR. 9 | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
TODTENWEIS 738 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
DERCHING 638 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
LECHHAUSEN 640 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Meitingen T3 tief | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
Meitingen T3 flach | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
Göggingen T1tief | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
Göggingen T1flach | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
WWA_2101 Wertach vital | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
FELDKIRCHEN 116A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
SCHROBENHAUSEN D 17 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
HATZENHOFEN HA 2 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BURGHEIM 921 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
ACHSHEIM 56 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
MITTELSTETTEN MS/12A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
RAIN II_2 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
OBERPEICHING OP/24 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Ellgau EL_05 (Ob_102) | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Oberndorf I_2 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GENDERKINGEN GE_50 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
MUENSTER/GUT SULZ 106A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BOBINGEN 87A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BOBINGEN SINGOLDA 94B | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
AUGSBURG 597 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BOBINGEN 600 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
FRIEDENAU 66 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BERGHEIM 88A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
DERCHING 637 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
DERCHING 639 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
DERCHING 636 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GABLINGEN BHF 55 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GERSTHOFEN 97 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
AUGSBG.LECHHAUSEN 98A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
ANWALTING 99 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
ANWALTING 99B | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BLANKENBURG 10B | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Gersthofen_LEW_TB_1 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
KISSING BHF 102 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
HAUNSTETTEN 72A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
INNINGEN 95A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
NORDHEIM OESTL. 2 A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
MARXHEIM MX 11 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
MARXHEIM MX 117 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
MARXHEIM MX 14 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
FELDHEIM FE 5 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
OBERNDORF MOORHOF 60A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
RAIN AM LECH/BPL. 108 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
NIEDERSCHOENENFELD109 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
MITTELSTETTEN 110 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
STAUDHEIM 113 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
RAIN/LECH 108A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
NEUSAESS 54 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
STAETZLING 96A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
THIERHAUPTEN I D 85 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
WINDEN 595 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
LECHHAUSEN 641 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
LECHHAUSEN 644 (08199) | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
MEITINGEN 58 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
LANGWEID 100A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
THIERHAUPTEN OETZ 105 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
LANGWEID 557 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
THIERHAUPTEN-N. D 35 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
THIERHAUPTEN D 42 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
ALLMANNSHOFEN 59 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
ALLMANNSHOFEN 15 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
ALLMANNSHOFEN 17 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BOBINGEN SINGOLD 94C | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BATZENHOFEN 13A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
ACHSHEIM/OE.EGELH. 1 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
ACHSHEIM/OE.EGELH. 2 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
ACHSHEIM OESTL.EGELH.3 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
ACHSHEIM 4 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
ACHSHEIM 5 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
ACHSHEIM 6 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
ACHSHEIM 9 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BATZENHOFEN 16 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BATZENHOFEN 17 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BEI BATZENHOFEN 18 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
EDENBERGEN 654 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BOBINGEN X 2 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BOBINGEN X 3 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
HAMLAR / ASBACH 62 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
NORDHEIM WESTL.EB. 3 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
NORDENDORF 18B | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Oberndorf I_1 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
MITTELSTETTEN MS/12 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
FELDHEIM III/1 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
NIEDERSCHOENENFELD109A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
SCHWABHOF/AUGSBURG 67 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
LEITERSHOFEN 89 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
INNINGEN 95 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Ellgau 101 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Kissing _BP. 102A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
FRIEDBERG 103 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
INNINGEN X18 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
LUETZELBURG D 81 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
LUETZELBURG 7A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GABLINGEN 8 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GABLINGEN 10 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GABLINGEN 11 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GABLINGEN 12 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
REHLING 739 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
REHLING 740 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GABLINGEN 880 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
LANGENREICHER/MUE. 24 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
LECHHAUSEN 646 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GERSTHOFEN 647A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GERSTHOFEN 648 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GERSTHOFEN 649A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GERSTHOFEN 650 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GERSTH. OT.HIRBL. 651 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GERSTH. OT.HIRBL. 652 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GERSTH. OT.HIRBL. 653 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
KUEHBACH (TB) T5 | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
STADT BOBINGEN 2 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
STADT BOBINGEN 3 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
ZW.BATZENHOFEN/GABL.13 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
ZW.BATZENH./GABL. 14 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
ZW.BATZENHOFEN/GABL.15 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
THIERHAUPTEN 737 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
WALDHAUS 741 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
WESTENDORFER/MUE. 15 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
KARLSHULD 39.02 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
WEICHERING 41.02 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
KLINGSMOOS 9.1 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
KLINGSMOOS 9.2 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
MOOS MO 7 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Gietlhausen | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
STENGELHEIM 24.1 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
STENGELHEIM 24.2 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
SCHORN 1.1A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
SCHORN 1.2 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
MOOS 114A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
OBERGRASHEIM 30.01 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BALLERSDORF 23.02 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
ALTMANNSTETTEN 25.02 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GRABMUEHLE 11.2 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GRABMUEHLE 11.3 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
SANDIZELL 5.2 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
LANGENMOSEN T 2 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GRASHEIM Q 3 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
DETTENHOFEN 29.2 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
KARLSHULD 37.01 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
DETTENHOFEN 29.1 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
LUDWIGSMOOS 17.1 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
LUDWIGSMOOS 17.2 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
RIED 8.1 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
RIED 8.2 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
LUDWIGSMOOS 12.01 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
LAENGENMUEHLBACH 15.1 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
LAENGENMUEHLBACH 15.2 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
ABENBERG 3.1 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
ABENBERG 3.2 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
KARLSHULD T 6 | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
ROEDENHOF T 7 | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
FERNMITTENHAUSEN T 1 | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
GRASHEIM 133A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
FELDKIRCHEN 116 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
MARIENHEIM 26.02 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
SEHENSAND 803 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
SANDIZELL 5.1 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
SANDIZELL 127A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BSM BK 3 Habermeyer | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BSM BK 5 Stadtwerke ND | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
RIEDENSHEIM BS13 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BSM 1 SOB HWF | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BSM 2 SOB HWF | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BSM 3 SOB HWF | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BSM 4 SOB HWF | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BSM 5 SOB HWF | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BSM 6 SOB HWF | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BSM 7 SOB HWF | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GWM 1 Donauauen | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GWM2 DONAUAUEN | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GWM3 DONAUAUEN | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GWM4 DONAUAUEN | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GWM5 DONAUAUEN | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
WWA_2103 Wertach vital | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
WWA_9901 Wertach vital | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
MERTINGEN BHF 61 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GWM Straß | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
1131763300350 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131773300358 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131723200154 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1132733200061 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1132753300341 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131723200025 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131723200024 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131743300013 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131723300028 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131753100088 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
4110763100279 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131763100077 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131763100393 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131763100756 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
4110763200002 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1132753200296 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1132763200064 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1132763200103 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1132743200079 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
4110743200004 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131743200035 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
4110743200003 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1132743200109 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1132773200371 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131753100090 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131743100017 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131743100186 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131733100023 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1132733000203 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1132733100117 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131723100164 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
Dasing | Meteorology: Precipitation, Snow |
Mering | Meteorology: Precipitation, Snow |
Dürabuch | Meteorology: Precipitation, Wind, Air temperatur, Air moisture, Global radiation |
Edelshausen | Meteorology: Precipitation, Wind, Air temperatur, Global radiation |
Burgheim | Meteorology: Precipitation, Wind, Air temperatur, Air moisture, Global radiation |
Karlshuld | Meteorology: Precipitation, Wind, Air temperatur, Air moisture, Global radiation |
Ainertshofen | Meteorology: Precipitation, Wind, Air temperatur, Air moisture, Global radiation |
Gablingen | Meteorology: Precipitation, Wind, Air temperatur, Air moisture, Global radiation |