Gewässerkundlicher Dienst Bayern

Master data 4110832500009

Site number: 4110832500009
Community: Hergatz
District: Lindau (Bodensee)
Operator: WWA Kempten

Aquifer: Quartär
Measurement site depth under ground: 21.00
Ground level [mNN]: 573.26
Measuring point height [mNN]: --

Groundwaterbody name: Moränenland - Weiler-Simmerberg
Groundwaterbody code: 2_G003

Measurement site currently in these measurement networks:

  • entire measuring network
  • WFD measuring network
  • 2nd management plan (chemical measuring)
  • 3rd management plan (chemical measuring)
  • measuring network for implementing the German fertilizer regulation (DüV §13 a) - 2021
  • measuring network for implementing the German fertilizer regulation (DüV §13 a) - 2022

Location of the station 4110832500009

Measuring points in the vicinity
Measurement siteCategory
SymbolThalkirchdorfRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolOberstaufenRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolZwirkenbergRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolSeltmansRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolAeschachRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolLindauLakes: Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature
Symboloh. StaatsgrenzeRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolOh. Mdg. WolfsbachRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolBrücke SeltmannsRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolStraßenbr. oh. UntermooweilerRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolStraßenbr. Lautrach-LegauRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolLindau-Zech oh. MündungRivers: Chemistry
SymbolUh. LandesgrenzeRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolBr. uh. StaatsgrenzeRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolOberschmittenRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolOh. Mdg.Rivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolBr. uh.Hochgratbahn, uh. LanzenbachRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolWegbr. GerisgschwendRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symboloh. Mdg. RickenbachRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolOh. Mdg. LeiblachRivers: Chemistry
SymbolUh. Grenze HörbranzRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolOh. Lacherhofbach, uh. ehem. KA WeilerRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolUh. Straßenbr. GiesenbergRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symbol0,1 km oh. Mdg. Bolsternanger BachRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolUh. Eibele WasserfälleRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolStrabrü Siebers-EyenbachRivers: Chemistry
SymbolKlausenmühle uh. WehrRivers: Biology
SymbolBr. bei KrummenstegRivers: Biology
SymbolWegbr. Geratsried-TrabersRivers: Biology
SymbolSchweinbergerquelleGroundwater: Flow of well
SymbolHANDWERKS/MUELHA. 794Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolHandwerksgruppe Sigmarszell GWM 3/05 WVGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
Symbol4120832600018Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4120842400050Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4120842500023Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4110832500009Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol1132812600062Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4120852600001Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4120842600017Groundwater: Chemistry
SymbolAltusried-MuthmannshofenMeteorology: Precipitation
SymbolOberstaufen-ThalkirchdorfMeteorology: Precipitation
SymbolWeiler-Simmerberg (Kläranlage)Meteorology: Precipitation, Snow
SymbolLautrachMeteorology: Precipitation, Wind, Air temperatur, Air moisture, Global radiation
SymbolSchwandMeteorology: Precipitation, Wind, Air temperatur, Air moisture, Global radiation
SymbolStreitelsfingenMeteorology: Precipitation, Wind, Air temperatur, Air moisture, Global radiation
SymbolSchönauMeteorology: Precipitation, Wind, Air temperatur, Air moisture, Global radiation
SymbolHörmoos 2Meteorology: Precipitation, Snow, Air moisture
SymbolHörmoos 1Meteorology: Air temperatur