Gewässerkundlicher Dienst Bayern
  • Deutsche Version

Master data 4110823700021

Site number: 4110823700021
Community: Bad Feilnbach
District: Rosenheim
Operator: WWA Rosenheim

Aquifer: Quartär
Measurement site depth under ground: 23.00
Ground level [mNN]: 492.00
Measuring point height [mNN]: --

Groundwaterbody name: Quartär - Raubling
Groundwaterbody code: 1_G135

Measurement site currently in these measurement networks:

  • former measuring site
Former belonging to these measurement networks:
  • Gesamtmessnetz
  • WRRL-Messnetz

Location of the station 4110823700021

Measuring points in the vicinity
Measurement siteCategory
SymbolOberaudorfRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature
SymbolRosenheim o.d. MangfallmündungRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature, Suspended sediment
SymbolBleyerbrückeRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolBad TrißlRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolMühlhausenRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolStephanskirchenRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolSchmeroldRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolValleyRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolRosenheimRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature
SymbolOberachRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature
SymbolBad KreuthRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolErbRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolMühlthalRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolBeyhartingRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolBad AiblingRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolBad FeilnbachRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolBad FeilnbachRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolHohenofenRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature
SymbolAu b. Bad AiblingRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature
SymbolWeichselbaumRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolAßlingRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature
SymbolFeldollingRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature
SymbolMiesbachRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature
SymbolStaudenRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature
SymbolRottachRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolAngerRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolRosenheim QRivers: Runoff
SymbolBad Aibling Willinger BrückeRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature
SymbolNußdorfRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolBad Aibling QRivers: Runoff
SymbolRosenheim u.d. MangfallmündungRivers: Waterlevel
SymbolBad AiblingRivers: Waterlevel
SymbolRosenheimRivers: Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature
SymbolSt. QuirinLakes: Waterlevel
SymbolSchlierseeLakes: Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature
SymbolKirchdorf BrueckeRivers: Chemistry
SymbolTiefste StelleLakes: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolTiefste Stelle, SüdbeckenLakes: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolTiefste StelleLakes: Chemistry, Biology
Symboluh. TriftbachRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolPegel OberachRivers: Chemistry
SymbolBr. uh EnterrottachRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symboluh. Ausleitung, werkkanal berghamRivers: Chemistry
SymbolFurth nach DettendorfRivers: Chemistry
Symboluh. Brücke HeimingRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symboluh. Br. PausmühleRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symboloh. StraßenbrückeRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symboloh. StraßenbrückeRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolBrücke bei HartRivers: Chemistry
SymbolBrücke Straße Haslach-MattenhofenRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symbol03_Staustufe FeldkirchenRivers: Chemistry
SymbolSteg oh. Aßling Flkm. 30,8Rivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symboluh. Brücke Bad TrisslRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symbol03_Einmündung in KaltenRivers: Chemistry
Symbol04_Br.MietrachingRivers: Chemistry
Symbol04_Br. KaltenbrunnRivers: Chemistry
SymbolG65 oh Mdg in GlonnRivers: Chemistry
Symbol06_UntermühleRivers: Chemistry
SymbolLeitzach AchauRivers: Chemistry
SymbolKohlaufmühleRivers: Chemistry
Symboluh HechtseeablaufRivers: Chemistry
SymbolBr oh NußdorfRivers: Chemistry
SymbolBr. uh WillingRivers: Chemistry
SymbolBr. Geitau (B307)Rivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symboluh. SchlipfgrubalmRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symboloh. GeschiebesperreRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolSpöckRivers: Chemistry
Symbol200m oh. Br. MühltalRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolPegel Bad AiblingRivers: Chemistry
SymbolBrücke HeiligenblutRivers: Chemistry
SymbolBrücke östl. PfaffenhofenRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symbol05_Bad AiblingRivers: Chemistry
SymbolMündung TegernseeRivers: Chemistry
SymbolSims 2 KrottenhausmühlRivers: Chemistry
SymbolHolzenRivers: Chemistry
SymbolBr. Erb (Pegel)Rivers: Chemistry
SymbolBr. LeitzachRivers: Chemistry
SymbolBrücke Ahornstraße Rivers: Chemistry
SymbolBr. Eßbaum-HolzmannRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symboluh Brücke südl. SeilenauRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symboluh. Brücke BlodermühleRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolBr. FestenbachRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolBR OH BAHN AGATHARIEDRivers: Chemistry
Symbol02_200m oberhalb Einl. BirzleRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symbol100m oh. Mündung Rohrdorfer AchenRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symboloberhalb SchullandheimRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symboluh. Einleitung HechtseeRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symboloh. Forsthütte ValeppRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symboluh. Brücke FentbachRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symboluh. Brücke BrandstattRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symbol200m oh. Brücke FeldollingRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symboluh Kraftwerk AchenRivers: Chemistry
SymbolStaustufe Nussdorf, 800 m uh. Rivers: Biology
Symbol250 m oh. Brücke Heufeld-WesterhamRivers: Biology
SymbolMurnholz _ PirachRivers: Biology
SymbolAnzenbergRivers: Biology
Symboloh. Br. MietrachingRivers: Biology
Symboloh. Brücke ForsthütteRivers: Biology
Symboloh. Brücke Henneleiten, Mst.4Rivers: Biology
Symbol800m uh OberstaudhausenRivers: Biology
Symboloh. Brücke DrachenthalRivers: Biology
Symboluh. MühlthalRivers: Biology
SymbolBr. UnterheufeldmühleRivers: Biology
Symboluh. Mündung AugrabenRivers: Biology
Symboloh. Einleitung HechtseeRivers: Biology
Symbol500 m uh. A8Rivers: Biology
Symboluh. Brücke bei SchonstettRivers: Biology
Symboloh. Br. Klinik MarinusRivers: Biology
Symboluh. Pegelhaus StephanskirchenRivers: Biology
Symboloberhalb Mündung MühlbachRivers: Biology
Symboluh. Brücke HölzlRivers: Biology
Symbol70m unterhalb Brücke OberaudorfRivers: Biology
Symbol200m uh. Waldsee (bei Inn km 174,4)Rivers: Biology
SymbolTransekt 02 Seegrundstück mit Steg, 2 TannenLakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 03 zw. Baumreihen, in 100m HäuserLakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 04 Westufer zw. Steg und Bootshütte, vor SchilfgürtelLakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 05 Mischwald, links neben kl. SchneiseLakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 1 nördl. Ostufer, südl. WasserwachtLakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 2 Ostufer, südl. BootshausLakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 3 südl. Ostufer uh. B 307Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 4 Südende, FischhausenLakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 5 Insel Wörth, SüdostuferLakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 6 Westufer mittigLakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 7 nördl. Westufer, südl. von Schwimmbad Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 8 Gem. Schliersee, ca 50m östl SchiffsstegLakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 3Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 4Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 5Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 6Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 7Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 1Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 2Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 3Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 4Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 1Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 2Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 3Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 4Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 5Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 6Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 01Lakes: Biology
SymbolWIECHS R 3Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolSTADT KOLBERMOOR 15AGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolALPENWEG 27Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolAm Gries B2GGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolAying Q 10Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolSENDLING 301Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolTURNERWEG 5Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolARNULFSTR. 6AGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolSTAATSWALD 9Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolUMSPANNWERK PANG 13Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolHEILIG BLUT 14Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolSCHLARBHOFEN 16Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolAISINGER LANDSTR. 30Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolLEITZACHSTRASSE 31Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolFERNM.A.AICHERSTR.5 18Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolSPORTPL.SCHWAIG 19Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolENDORFER AU 20Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolOBERWOEHR-MANGF.AU 21AGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolFT-SPORTPL. 22Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolZOLLAMT 23AGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolWWA 24AGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolRIEDERGARTEN 25Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolKRANKENH.PARKPL. 26Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolPFAFFENHOFEN 120Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolWolfersberg 2Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolNEUORTHOFEN 260Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolWAITH R 4Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolMIETRACHING R 13Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolWEIDACH R 20Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBERBLING R 21Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolORTHOFEN R 23Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolHOEGLING R 24Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolMARKFELD R 26Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolADLFURT R 27Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolMAXLRAIN R 30Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolHINRICHSSEGEN R 31Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolUNT.-HEUFELD R 32Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolFELDOLLING R 34Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolVAGEN/MANGFALL R 35Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolHOEGLING R 41Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolOBERADLFURT R 42Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBERBLING R 45Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolSUED.WILLINGERAU R 46Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolGOETTING MANGF. 50Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBRUCKMUEHL U.STR. 51Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolASSLING 65/206Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolAISING EINOEDE 353AGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolPANG 354Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBAD AIBLING R 28Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolTHUERHAM/AIBLING R 43Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolFUERSTAETTER-SCHULE 1Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolESV-SPORTPLATZ 2Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolFINSTERW.-GEIGELST. 3Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolAUTOHAUS WENDELST. 4Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolGASTHAUS WALDECK 7Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolMANGFALLWEG 24 8AGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolFUCHSBICHLW. 9U.11 12Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBAUHOF BAD AIB. KO 37Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolKUTTERLINGERWEG KO 38Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBLUMENSTRASSE KO 39AGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolFORSTSTRASSE KO 40Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolST. 2078 ARMCO KO 41Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBRUECKENWIRT KO 42Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolSPINNEREI KO 43Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolEV. KIRCHE KO 45Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolSTAATSSTRASSE82 KO 47Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolKALTWIES 28Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolHAPPINGERSTR. 29Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolSTRASSENBAUAMT 32Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolPAPIERF.NIEDERM. 33Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolINNSBRUCKERSTR. 34Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolSPORTPL.TSV 1860 35Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolDB-FAHRLEITUNGSBAU 36Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolUEBERFILZEN 748Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBAYRISCHZELL BO.bGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBAYRISCHZELL BO.AGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBAYRISCHZELL BO.BGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolREDENFELDEN 17Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolKaltenbach - Kufsteiner Str. 122Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolKaltenbach - Kufsteiner Str. 86Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolKaltenbach - Wallberg Str. 10Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolGM1 SCHWIMMBAD KOGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolGM2 ZUGSPITZSTRASSE KOGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolGM3 AIBLINGERAU 3Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolGM 4 AIBLINGERAU 26Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolKläranlage Feldkirchen Westerham 07Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolPumpstation Feldolling B6GGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolUnterwasserbecken Leitzachwerke 02Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolAm Gries B1GGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolAm Gries B3GGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolAm Gries B4GGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolAm Gries B5GGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG1 HRB FeldollingGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG3 HRB FeldollingGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG6 HRB FeldollingGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG10 HRB FeldollingGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG12 HRB FeldollingGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG17 HRB FeldollingGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG18 HRB FeldollingGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG19 HRB FeldollingGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG20 HRB FeldollingGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG21 HRB FeldollingGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG22 HRB FeldollingGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG23 HRB FeldollingGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolB1V Vagener AuGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolB2V Vagener AuGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolB3V Vagener AuGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolB6V Vagener AuGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolKühzägl, ehem Hausmülldepnie, Deponie 1Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG5 HRB FeldollingGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG9 HRB FeldollingGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG11 HRB FeldollingGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG13 HRB FeldollingGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolGw 1 SchwaigGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolGw 2 Feldkirchener StraßeGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolGw 4 Aiblinger StraßeGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolGw 5 AhornalleeGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolGw 6 Schule FeldkirchenGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolGw 7 Sportplatz VagenGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolGw 8 Leitzachkraftwerk OstGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolEnterrottach 1Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolHaslau 2Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolHaslau 1Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolKalkofen 1Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolHaslau 3Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolKalkofen 3AGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolHagrain-Hafelbach 1Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolAM WALDRAND 1 KO 46Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBAD AIBLING TRIFTB._52AGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolWEIHENLINDEN R 11AGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolWESTERHAM R 15Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolKupfgrabenquelle I + IIIGroundwater: Flow of well, Temperature of springs
SymbolWESTERHAM,SUEDL. R 7Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolWILLINGERAU R44BGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolWALDHEIM R 25Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolWILLING TANNENW.10 49Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolWEIHER-WINKELWEG 11Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolRIED R 37Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolHEUFELD R 38Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolHEUFELD R 12Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG27 HRB FeldollingGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG30 HRB FeldollingGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG31 HRB FeldollingGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG28 HRB FeldollingGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG29 HRB FeldollingGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG25 HRB FeldollingGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG24 HRB FeldollingGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolHammer Gw2 (BK4)Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolHammer Gw1 (BK2)Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG33 HRB Feldolling BK60Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG26 HRB FeldollingGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolV2 VagenGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolV5 VagenGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolV3 VagenGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolV1 VagenGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolFeldolling P4Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolV4 VagenGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolWildbad Kreuth GwM 1Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
Symbol1132803700229Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol1131793700191Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol1131793700292Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol1131793600241Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4110793700014Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol1131833800041Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4110823700067Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4120833700005Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4110823600004Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol1131823600125Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4120823700027Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4120833600013Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4120813600039Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol1131813700028Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol1131813700022Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol1131813700032Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4110823700021Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4120813700012Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4120803700030Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4120803700148Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol1131813800219Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4120833800014Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol1131813800204Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4120823900016Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4110813900035Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4120823900013Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4110803900044Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4120803700033Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol1131803700173Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4120803800016Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol1131803900062Groundwater: Chemistry
SymbolFeilnbach, BadMeteorology: Precipitation, Snow
SymbolSamerberg-GeisenkamMeteorology: Precipitation, Snow
SymbolAßlingMeteorology: Precipitation, Snow
SymbolAying (Brauerei)Meteorology: Precipitation, Snow
SymbolMiesbach (Kläranlage)Meteorology: Precipitation, Snow
SymbolKarolinenfeldMeteorology: Precipitation, Wind, Air temperatur, Air moisture, Global radiation
SymbolKreuthMeteorology: Precipitation, Snow, Wind, Air temperatur, Air moisture, Air pressure, Global radiation
SymbolSpitzingsee Freiland 1Meteorology: Snow, Air temperatur, Air moisture, Global radiation
SymbolHausham (Straßenmeisterei)Meteorology: Snow
SymbolBrecherspitzeMeteorology: Wind, Air temperatur, Air moisture