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Master data ROEDENHOF T 7
Site number: 11691
Measuring point system: Staatliches Sondernetz
Community: Neuburg a.d.Donau
District: Neuburg-Schrobenhausen
Operator: Wasserwirtschaftsamt Ingolstadt
Aquifer: Obere Süßwassermolasse
Measurement site depth under ground: 24.80 m
Ground level: 380.05 m above sealevel
Easting: 663567 (ETRS89 / UTM Zone 32N)
Northing: 5398549
Observation period: 01.08.1985 to 21.10.2024
Maximum waterlevel (HHW): 378.26 m above sealevel
Mean waterlevel (MW): 377.23 m above sealevel
Minimum waterlevel (NNW): 376.59 m above sealevel
Mean Highest Groundwater Level (MHGW): 377.73 m above sealevel (Period: 01.11.1984 - 01.11.2024)
Location of the station ROEDENHOF T 7
Measurement site | Category |
Ingolstadt Luitpoldstraße | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature, Suspended sediment |
Mühlried | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel |
Pöttmes | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel |
Weichering | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel |
Oberstimm | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel |
Eichstätt | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature |
Bertoldsheim KW | Rivers: Runoff |
Bittenbrunn KW | Rivers: Runoff |
Neuburg | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel |
Altendorf | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel |
Rennertshofen | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel |
Altenfurt | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel |
Grabmühle | Rivers: Waterlevel |
Eßlingen | Rivers: Waterlevel |
Messstation Ingolstadt Luitpoldstraße | Rivers: Chemistry |
BITTENBRUNN KW-OW | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Br. Moosmühle | Rivers: Chemistry |
BRUECKE HATZENHOFEN | Rivers: Chemistry |
Br. Dünzlau | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Hörzhausen | Rivers: Chemistry |
Br.westl. Mühlried | Rivers: Chemistry |
Br.west.v.Niederstimm | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Br. Altendorf | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
BRÜCKE FORSTER MÜHLE | Rivers: Chemistry |
L3 70m oh Br. Staust. Bergheim | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Segelflugplatz Burgheim | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Br. Waldrand Kochheim | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
450m oh KA Karlskron | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
100m uh Hammerschmiede | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Straßenbr. bei Dieß | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
uh Appertshausen | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
80m uh Amtsgrenze | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
uh Dücker/Brücke uh Feldmühle | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Br. Oberschwaig | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Br. 400m oh Mündung | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Feldbr. westl. Mändlfeld | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
oh. Mdg. in die Paar | Rivers: Chemistry |
oh. Br. südliches Ortsende Zell | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
1km uh Br Altmannstetten | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
700m oh Mündung in Ach | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Br. südl. KA Dinkelshausen | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Neuburg Brandlbad Schwebstoff | Rivers: Chemistry |
Br Hunzenhof | Rivers: Chemistry |
Br westl Hoerzhausen | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Schlagmühle Gempfing | Rivers: Chemistry |
Straßenbrücke oh. Mündung in Ach | Rivers: Chemistry |
150m oh. Br. Mitterscheyern | Rivers: Chemistry |
oh. KA Hollenbach | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Bittenbrunn 700 m uh KW | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
300 m oh Moos | Rivers: Biology |
500m uh Trugenhofen | Rivers: Biology |
Br. uh. KA Aresing | Rivers: Biology |
Br. östl. Schainbach | Rivers: Biology |
20m uh. obere Br. Eisenhut | Rivers: Biology |
100m uh Fischzucht_Petermühle | Rivers: Biology |
Unterweilenbach | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GUNGOLDING 928 | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
ARNSBERG 927 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
KARLSKRON-PROBF. 132C | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
SCHNOEDHOF 111 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
KOTHAU 134A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
HEINRICHSHEIM 34.02 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Appertshofen NBS N/I BK10.2/10 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
ALTENDORF D 19 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GEROLFING B | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Schnödhof-Kapelle Q4 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Buxheim Moosmühle 120 NEU | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
EICHSTAETT 2 | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
Ammerfeld, B1 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Hollenbach | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
BERGHEIM B4 | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
Gempfing W4 | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
Haslangkreit T6 | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
Karstquelle Obereichstätt | Groundwater: Flow of well |
FELDKIRCHEN 116A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
SCHROBENHAUSEN D 17 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
PICHL 126B | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
LICHTENAU B1 | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
HATZENHOFEN HA 2 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Hitzhofen GWM 7 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Dollnstein | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
LICHTENAU 45.02 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
ZUCHERING 130 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
WASSERZELL 37B | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
EBENHAUSEN NEU 125 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BURGHEIM 921 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
LENTING A BR. K 2 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GEMARKG.BOEHMING V 10A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
WETTSTETTEN II 635 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
DUENZLAU B5 | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
MARXHEIM MX 117 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
STAUDHEIM 113 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
WINDEN 595 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
KUEHBACH (TB) T5 | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
KARLSHULD 39.02 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
LICHTENAU T 5 | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
WEICHERING II | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
WEICHERING III | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
WEICHERING 41.02 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
KLINGSMOOS 9.1 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
KLINGSMOOS 9.2 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
MOOS MO 7 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Gietlhausen | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
STENGELHEIM 24.1 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
STENGELHEIM 24.2 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
SCHORN 1.1A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
SCHORN 1.2 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
DEUBLING Q 1 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
MOOS 114A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
ASCHELSRIED B 6 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
OBERGRASHEIM 30.01 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BALLERSDORF 23.02 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
ALTMANNSTETTEN 25.02 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GRABMUEHLE 11.2 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GRABMUEHLE 11.3 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
SANDIZELL 5.2 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
LANGENMOSEN T 2 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
LICHTENAU 1 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
ADELSHAUSER BERG B 4 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
POBENHAUSEN 42.1 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GRASHEIM Q 3 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BRUNNEN T 3 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
DETTENHOFEN 29.2 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
NIEDERARNBACH 35.1A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
NIEDERARNBACH 35.2 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
KARLSHULD 37.01 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
DETTENHOFEN 29.1 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
LUDWIGSMOOS 17.1 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
LUDWIGSMOOS 17.2 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BRUNNEN 27.01 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
RIED 8.1 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
RIED 8.2 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
LUDWIGSMOOS 12.01 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
LAENGENMUEHLBACH 15.1 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
LAENGENMUEHLBACH 15.2 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
ABENBERG 3.1 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
ABENBERG 3.2 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
PETTENHOFEN 121 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
WETTSTETTEN 124 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
KARLSHULD T 6 | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
ROEDENHOF T 7 | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
ADELSHAUSEN T 4 | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
FERNMITTENHAUSEN T 1 | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
GAIMERSHEIM 476 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GEROLFING 118 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
PICHL Nr.18 126A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
WEICHERING 129 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GRASHEIM 133A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
FELDKIRCHEN 116 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
DUENZLAU 123 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
WEICHERING I | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
MOOSMUEHLE BUXHM 120 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
MOOSMUEHLE BUXHM 120A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
OBERHAIDMUEHLE 119 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
REINBOLDSMUEHLE 122 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Ger-A GEROLFING | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Ger-C GEROLFING | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Ger-E GEROLFING | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Ger-G GEROLFING | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
B1 GEROLFING | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
MARIENHEIM 26.02 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
SEHENSAND 803 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
SANDIZELL 5.1 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
SANDIZELL 127A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
HWF Baar-Ebenhausen BaEb04 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
HWF Baar-Ebenhausen BaEb08 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
HWF Baar-Ebenhausen BaEb21 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
HWF Baar-Ebenhausen BaEb15 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BSM BK 3 Habermeyer | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BSM BK 5 Stadtwerke ND | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
RIEDENSHEIM BS13 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BSM 1 SOB HWF | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BSM 2 SOB HWF | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BSM 3 SOB HWF | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BSM 4 SOB HWF | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BSM 5 SOB HWF | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BSM 6 SOB HWF | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BSM 7 SOB HWF | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GWM 1 Donauauen | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GWM2 DONAUAUEN | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GWM3 DONAUAUEN | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GWM4 DONAUAUEN | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GWM5 DONAUAUEN | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GWM6 DONAUAUEN | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GWM7 DONAUAUEN | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GWM8 DONAUAUEN | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GWM9 DONAUAUEN | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Rebdorf | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
ZIMMERN PO 10A | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
UNTERWEILENBACH T5 Neu | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GWM Straß | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
1131723300072 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131723400217 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131723400503 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
4110723300008 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1132713200024 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131713200068 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131713200056 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131713300014 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1132713400075 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1132703400047 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131703400051 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131713200014 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
4110703300001 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
4110713200012 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131743300146 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131733300048 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131723200154 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1132733200061 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1132753300341 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131723200025 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131723200024 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131743300013 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131723300028 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131733400088 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131743400054 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1132753200296 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1132743200079 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
4110743200004 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131743200035 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
4110743200003 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1132743200109 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131743100186 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1132733100117 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131723100164 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
Ingolstadt | Meteorology: Precipitation, Snow |
Langensallach | Meteorology: Precipitation, Wind, Air temperatur, Air moisture, Global radiation |
Edelshausen | Meteorology: Precipitation, Wind, Air temperatur, Global radiation |
Burgheim | Meteorology: Precipitation, Wind, Air temperatur, Air moisture, Global radiation |
Voglried | Meteorology: Precipitation, Wind, Air temperatur, Air moisture, Global radiation |
Karlshuld | Meteorology: Precipitation, Wind, Air temperatur, Air moisture, Global radiation |
Ainertshofen | Meteorology: Precipitation, Wind, Air temperatur, Air moisture, Global radiation |
Hepberg | Meteorology: Precipitation, Wind, Air temperatur, Air moisture, Global radiation |