Gewässerkundlicher Dienst Bayern

Master data Tiefste Stelle

Site number: 2006
Community: Vogtareuth
District: Rosenheim
Operator: WWA Rosenheim

Body of water: Hofstätter See
Catchment: 4.82 km2
Easting: 737289 (ETRS89 / UTM Zone 32N)
Northing: 5310292

Measurement site in these measurement networks:
  • state measurement sites

For the measurement site Tiefste Stelle at the moment no extended master data available.

Picture of the measurement site

Picture of the measurement site

Location of the station Tiefste Stelle / Hofstätter See

Measuring points in the vicinity
Measurement siteCategory
SymbolRosenheim o.d. MangfallmündungRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature, Suspended sediment
SymbolWasserburgRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature, Suspended sediment
SymbolBad TrißlRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolMühlhausenRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolStephanskirchenRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolRosenheimRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature
SymbolBeyhartingRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolBad AiblingRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolBad FeilnbachRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolBad FeilnbachRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolHohenofenRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature
SymbolAu b. Bad AiblingRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature
SymbolWeichselbaumRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolAßlingRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature
SymbolMühlauRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolAschauRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature
SymbolPrienRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolStaudenRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature
SymbolDickertsmühleRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolAngerRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolBernauRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature
SymbolRosenheim QRivers: Runoff
SymbolBad Aibling Willinger BrückeRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature
SymbolNußdorfRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolBad Aibling QRivers: Runoff
SymbolRosenheim u.d. MangfallmündungRivers: Waterlevel
SymbolBad AiblingRivers: Waterlevel
SymbolRosenheimRivers: Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature
SymbolKrottenmühlLakes: Waterlevel
SymbolStockLakes: Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature
SymbolPelhamLakes: Waterlevel
SymbolEggstättLakes: Waterlevel
SymbolKirchdorf BrueckeRivers: Chemistry
Symboluh. Brücke UnterübermoosRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symbol05_KönigswartRivers: Chemistry
SymbolPegel Bad AiblingRivers: Chemistry
SymbolBrücke HeiligenblutRivers: Chemistry
SymbolBrücke östl. PfaffenhofenRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symboloh. Brücke RainRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symboloh. Brücke OelmühleRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symbol05_Bad AiblingRivers: Chemistry
SymbolSims 2 KrottenhausmühlRivers: Chemistry
SymbolHolzenRivers: Chemistry
Symboluh. Brücke Sportplatz EdlingRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolBrücke Ahornstraße Rivers: Chemistry
SymbolBrücke Gars Rivers: Chemistry
SymbolTiefste Stelle, HauptbeckenLakes: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolTiefste StelleLakes: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolTiefste StelleLakes: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolTiefste StelleLakes: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolTiefste StelleLakes: Chemistry, Biology
Symbol06_UntermühleRivers: Chemistry
Symboluh Kraftwerk AchenRivers: Chemistry
Symbol03_v.MündungRivers: Chemistry
SymbolThalkirchner A Brücke vor MündungRivers: Chemistry
Symboluh. TriftbachRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolBr. Eßbaum-HolzmannRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symboluh Brücke südl. SeilenauRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symboluh. Brücke BlodermühleRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolFurth nach DettendorfRivers: Chemistry
Symboluh. Brücke HeimingRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symboluh. Br. PausmühleRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolWasserburg, uh KapuzinerinselRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolBrücke St. 2092, Pegel PrienRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symboloh. StraßenbrückeRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolBrücke bei HartRivers: Chemistry
Symbol03_Staustufe FeldkirchenRivers: Chemistry
SymbolSteg oh. Aßling Flkm. 30,8Rivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symbolunterhalb SteinhöringRivers: Chemistry
Symboloh. Mündung KesselbachRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symboluh. Brücke Bad TrisslRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolAblauf aus dem HartseeRivers: Chemistry
Symbol02_200m oberhalb Einl. BirzleRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symbol03_Einmündung in KaltenRivers: Chemistry
Symbol04_Br.MietrachingRivers: Chemistry
Symbol04_Br. KaltenbrunnRivers: Chemistry
Symbol07_oberh. MündungRivers: Chemistry
Symbol05_EngersdorfRivers: Chemistry
SymbolKohlaufmühleRivers: Chemistry
SymbolBr oh NußdorfRivers: Chemistry
SymbolBr. uh WillingRivers: Chemistry
Symbol100m oh. Mündung Rohrdorfer AchenRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolBr. Geitau (B307)Rivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolBrücke uh. FreimehringRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symboluh. SchlipfgrubalmRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symboloh. GeschiebesperreRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolSpöckRivers: Chemistry
SymbolStaustufe Nussdorf, 800 m uh. Rivers: Biology
Symbol250 m oh. Brücke Heufeld-WesterhamRivers: Biology
SymbolMurnholz _ PirachRivers: Biology
SymbolAnzenbergRivers: Biology
Symboloh. Br. MietrachingRivers: Biology
Symboloh. Brücke ForsthütteRivers: Biology
Symboloh. Brücke Henneleiten, Mst.4Rivers: Biology
Symbol04_nach LamplstättRivers: Biology
Symbol800m uh OberstaudhausenRivers: Biology
Symboluh. MühlthalRivers: Biology
SymbolBr. UnterheufeldmühleRivers: Biology
SymbolBach, 200m uh. BrückeRivers: Biology
Symbol500 m uh. A8Rivers: Biology
Symboluh. Brücke bei SchonstettRivers: Biology
Symboloh. Br. Klinik MarinusRivers: Biology
Symboluh. Pegelhaus StephanskirchenRivers: Biology
Symboloberhalb Mündung MühlbachRivers: Biology
Symbol200m uh. Waldsee (bei Inn km 174,4)Rivers: Biology
SymbolBucht bei Langbürgen, Transekt 1Lakes: Biology
Symbolsüdl. der Insel, Transekt 2Lakes: Biology
SymbolInsel Nordseite, Transekt 3Lakes: Biology
SymbolBucht bei Westerhausen, Transekt 4Lakes: Biology
SymbolStock, Transekt 5Lakes: Biology
SymbolWestl. Nordufer, Transekt 6Lakes: Biology
SymbolBucht bei Schlicht, Transekt 7Lakes: Biology
Symbolsüdl. zufluss Thaler See, Transekt 8Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 02 Seegrundstück mit Steg, 2 TannenLakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 03 zw. Baumreihen, in 100m HäuserLakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 04 Westufer zw. Steg und Bootshütte, vor SchilfgürtelLakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 05 Mischwald, links neben kl. SchneiseLakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 06 Westufer, Wald, ca. 100 m BootshausLakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 07 zw. SteilwändenLakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 08 vor Schilf, links v. StegLakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 09 vor bewaldetem HügelLakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 10 links v. CampingplatzLakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 09Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 10Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 11Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 12Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 13Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 14Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 15Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 16Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 17Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 18Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 19Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 24Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 25Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 26Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 27Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 28Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 29Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 31Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 32Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 33Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 34Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 35Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 1Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 2Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 3Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 4Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 5Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 6Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 1Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 2Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 3Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 4Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 1Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 2Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 3Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 4Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 5Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 6Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 01Lakes: Biology
SymbolSTADT KOLBERMOOR 15AGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolPOLIZEI 9Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolALPENWEG 27Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolS. OESTL. OBING 868Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolSENDLING 301Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolTURNERWEG 5Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolARNULFSTR. 6AGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolSTAATSWALD 9Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolUMSPANNWERK PANG 13Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolHEILIG BLUT 14Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolSCHLARBHOFEN 16Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolAISINGER LANDSTR. 30Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolLEITZACHSTRASSE 31Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolFERNM.A.AICHERSTR.5 18Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolSPORTPL.SCHWAIG 19Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolENDORFER AU 20Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolOBERWOEHR-MANGF.AU 21AGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolFT-SPORTPL. 22Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolZOLLAMT 23AGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolWWA 24AGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolRIEDERGARTEN 25Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolKRANKENH.PARKPL. 26Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolPFAFFENHOFEN 120Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolELSBETH / STADL 91Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolKumpfmühlquelle 1+2Groundwater: Flow of well, Temperature of springs
SymbolBF.GRAFING 202Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolHOHENLINDEN 904Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolVOLKSSCHULE 1Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolSPORTPLATZ 2Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolTRAFO HOLZHOFWEG 6Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBAHNBETRIEBSGEL. 7Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolFLUSSMEISTERSTELLE 10Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolLEDERERZEILE 11Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolAMTSGERICHT 12Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolLEBZELTER 13Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolHUNDT,WEBERZIPFEL 15Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolAUF DER BURG 19Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolFEUERWEHRHAUS 20Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolVOLKSSCHULE 1AGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolSPORTPLATZ 2AGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBAHNTUNNEL 16AGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolMIETRACHING R 13Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolWEIDACH R 20Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBERBLING R 21Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolORTHOFEN R 23Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolHOEGLING R 24Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolMARKFELD R 26Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolADLFURT R 27Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolMAXLRAIN R 30Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolHINRICHSSEGEN R 31Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolUNT.-HEUFELD R 32Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolHOEGLING R 41Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolOBERADLFURT R 42Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBERBLING R 45Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolSUED.WILLINGERAU R 46Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolGOETTING MANGF. 50Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolASSLING 65/206Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolAISING EINOEDE 353AGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolPANG 354Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBAD AIBLING R 28Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolTHUERHAM/AIBLING R 43Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolFUERSTAETTER-SCHULE 1Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolESV-SPORTPLATZ 2Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolFINSTERW.-GEIGELST. 3Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolAUTOHAUS WENDELST. 4Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolGASTHAUS WALDECK 7Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolMANGFALLWEG 24 8AGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolFUCHSBICHLW. 9U.11 12Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBAUHOF BAD AIB. KO 37Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolKUTTERLINGERWEG KO 38Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBLUMENSTRASSE KO 39AGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolFORSTSTRASSE KO 40Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolST. 2078 ARMCO KO 41Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBRUECKENWIRT KO 42Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolSPINNEREI KO 43Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolEV. KIRCHE KO 45Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolSTAATSSTRASSE82 KO 47Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolKALTWIES 28Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolHAPPINGERSTR. 29Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolSTRASSENBAUAMT 32Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolPAPIERF.NIEDERM. 33Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolINNSBRUCKERSTR. 34Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolSPORTPL.TSV 1860 35Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolDB-FAHRLEITUNGSBAU 36Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolUEBERFILZEN 748Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBAYRISCHZELL BO.bGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBAYRISCHZELL BO.AGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolREDENFELDEN 17Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolKaltenbach - Kufsteiner Str. 122Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolKaltenbach - Kufsteiner Str. 86Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolKaltenbach - Wallberg Str. 10Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolGM1 SCHWIMMBAD KOGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolGM2 ZUGSPITZSTRASSE KOGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolGM3 AIBLINGERAU 3Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolGM 4 AIBLINGERAU 26Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolAM WALDRAND 1 KO 46Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBAD AIBLING TRIFTB._52AGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolWEIHENLINDEN R 11AGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolAschau iCh GWM 7Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolKupfgrabenquelle I + IIIGroundwater: Flow of well, Temperature of springs
SymbolWESTERHAM,SUEDL. R 7Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolWILLINGERAU R44BGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolWALDHEIM R 25Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolWILLING TANNENW.10 49Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolWEIHER-WINKELWEG 11Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolRIED R 37Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolWEINBERGER 4Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
Symbol20 KV MAST 5Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolZIEHWEG HAUS NR 1 22Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolSCHNAITSEE 588Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolHEUFELD R 38Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolHEUFELD R 12Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolHINZING 411AGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolJolling GWM1 18700024Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolHammer Gw2 (BK4)Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolHammer Gw1 (BK2)Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolPittenhart B8Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolFACHENDORF 845Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
Symbol1131793700292Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4110793700014Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol1131833800041Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4110823700067Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4120823700027Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol1131783900113Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol1131783800228Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol1132823900038Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4120833900001Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol1131813700028Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol1131813700022Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4120814000030Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol1131813700032Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol1131793900117Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4110823700021Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol1131814000176Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol1131813800219Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol1131813800204Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4120823900016Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4120793800030Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4110814000021Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4110813900035Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4120823900013Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4110803900044Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4110783900069Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4120803700033Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol1131803700173Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4120803800016Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol1131803900062Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol1131793900050Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol1131804000135Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4110794000022Groundwater: Chemistry
SymbolFeilnbach, BadMeteorology: Precipitation, Snow
SymbolSamerberg-GeisenkamMeteorology: Precipitation, Snow
SymbolAßlingMeteorology: Precipitation, Snow
SymbolReitmehringMeteorology: Precipitation, Wind, Air temperatur, Air moisture, Global radiation
SymbolKarolinenfeldMeteorology: Precipitation, Wind, Air temperatur, Air moisture, Global radiation
SymbolBerghamMeteorology: Precipitation, Wind, Air temperatur, Air moisture, Global radiation
SymbolSöllhubenMeteorology: Precipitation, Wind, Air temperatur, Air moisture, Global radiation