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Chart of year Lenggries - Seekaralm
Precipitation from 01.01.2024 to 13.07.2024
Note: The time series in the selected period has gaps.
Ausfall der Windmessung durch Frost/Schnee möglich!
Sum [mm] in the selected period | Mean [mm] 1961-1990 in the selected period |
Date | Precipitation [mm] |
13.07.2024 | 2.5 |
12.07.2024 | 19.9 |
11.07.2024 | 4.2 |
10.07.2024 | 28.8 |
09.07.2024 | 0.0 |
08.07.2024 | 0.1 |
07.07.2024 | 10.8 |
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