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- oh. Brücke Oelmühle >
- Master data
Master data oh. Brücke Oelmühle
Site number: 111606
Community: Steinhöring
District: Ebersberg
Operator: WWA Rosenheim
Body of water: Ebrach
Catchment: --
Easting: 727523 (ETRS89 / UTM Zone 32N)
Northing: 5331166
- state measurement sites
extended master data - (PDF)
Picture of the measurement site
Location of the station oh. Brücke Oelmühle / Ebrach
Measurement site | Category |
Oberding | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel |
Berg | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel |
Langengeisling | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel |
Langengeisling | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel |
Operding | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel |
Rosenheim o.d. Mangfallmündung | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature, Suspended sediment |
Wasserburg | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature, Suspended sediment |
Stephanskirchen | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel |
Rosenheim | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature |
Erb | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel |
Mühlthal | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel |
Beyharting | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel |
Bad Aibling | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel |
Weichselbaum | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel |
Aßling | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature |
Weg | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel |
Großschwindau | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel |
Feldolling | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature |
Anger | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel |
Rosenheim Q | Rivers: Runoff |
Bad Aibling Willinger Brücke | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature |
Dorfen | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel |
Bad Aibling Q | Rivers: Runoff |
Rosenheim u.d. Mangfallmündung | Rivers: Waterlevel |
Bad Aibling | Rivers: Waterlevel |
Rosenheim | Rivers: Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature |
Wörth | Rivers: Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature |
Krottenmühl | Lakes: Waterlevel |
Tiefste Stelle | Lakes: Chemistry, Biology |
Tiefste Stelle | Lakes: Chemistry, Biology |
Tiefste Stelle | Lakes: Chemistry, Biology |
uh. Triftbach | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Schnabelmoos | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Solching | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
uh. Ausleitung, werkkanal bergham | Rivers: Chemistry |
uh. Brücke Heiming | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
uh. Br. Pausmühle | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Wasserburg, uh Kapuzinerinsel | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
uh Oberschwillach | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
oh. Straßenbrücke | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Brücke bei Hart | Rivers: Chemistry |
oh. Brücke Rain | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Brücke Straße Haslach-Mattenhofen | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
03_Staustufe Feldkirchen | Rivers: Chemistry |
Steg oh. Aßling Flkm. 30,8 | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
unterhalb Steinhöring | Rivers: Chemistry |
oh. Mündung Kesselbach | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Herdweg | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
04_Br.Mietraching | Rivers: Chemistry |
G65 oh Mdg in Glonn | Rivers: Chemistry |
06_Untermühle | Rivers: Chemistry |
07_oberh. Mündung | Rivers: Chemistry |
Hofmühle | Rivers: Chemistry |
Br. uh Willing | Rivers: Chemistry |
oh. Brücke Angering | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
uh. Brücke Sportplatz Edling | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
oh Zufluss Altach | Rivers: Chemistry |
Br Embach Esterndorf | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Br oh Mdg Dorfen | Rivers: Chemistry |
Pegel Bad Aibling | Rivers: Chemistry |
Brücke östl. Pfaffenhofen | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
uh. Brücke Unterübermoos | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
oh. Brücke Oelmühle | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
05_Bad Aibling | Rivers: Chemistry |
05_Königswart | Rivers: Chemistry |
Sims 2 Krottenhausmühl | Rivers: Chemistry |
Holzen | Rivers: Chemistry |
200m u.h. Bahnl. Markt Schwaben | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Br. Erb (Pegel) | Rivers: Chemistry |
oh Mdg Sempt | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Brücke Gars | Rivers: Chemistry |
uh. Brücke Weitermühle | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
Brücke uh. Freimehring | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
200m oh. Brücke Feldolling | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
uh Kraftwerk Achen | Rivers: Chemistry |
Thalkirchner A Brücke vor Mündung | Rivers: Chemistry |
uh. Brücke Walkersaich | Rivers: Chemistry, Biology |
oh Br ED 7 | Rivers: Biology |
250 m oh. Brücke Heufeld-Westerham | Rivers: Biology |
Murnholz _ Pirach | Rivers: Biology |
Anzenberg | Rivers: Biology |
oh Br Wörth | Rivers: Biology |
oh. Br. Mietraching | Rivers: Biology |
uh Frauenvils | Rivers: Biology |
oh. Brücke Henneleiten, Mst.4 | Rivers: Biology |
04_nach Lamplstätt | Rivers: Biology |
800m uh Oberstaudhausen | Rivers: Biology |
uh Oberschwillach | Rivers: Biology |
Br. Unterheufeldmühle | Rivers: Biology |
uh. Mündung Augraben | Rivers: Biology |
uh. Gumpolding | Rivers: Biology |
uh. Brücke bei Schonstett | Rivers: Biology |
uh. Pegelhaus Stephanskirchen | Rivers: Biology |
200m uh. Waldsee (bei Inn km 174,4) | Rivers: Biology |
Transekt 02 Seegrundstück mit Steg, 2 Tannen | Lakes: Biology |
Transekt 03 zw. Baumreihen, in 100m Häuser | Lakes: Biology |
Transekt 04 Westufer zw. Steg und Bootshütte, vor Schilfgürtel | Lakes: Biology |
Transekt 05 Mischwald, links neben kl. Schneise | Lakes: Biology |
Transekt 06 Westufer, Wald, ca. 100 m Bootshaus | Lakes: Biology |
Transekt 07 zw. Steilwänden | Lakes: Biology |
Transekt 08 vor Schilf, links v. Steg | Lakes: Biology |
Transekt 09 vor bewaldetem Hügel | Lakes: Biology |
Transekt 10 links v. Campingplatz | Lakes: Biology |
Transekt 1 | Lakes: Biology |
Transekt 2 | Lakes: Biology |
Transekt 3 | Lakes: Biology |
Transekt 4 | Lakes: Biology |
Transekt 1 | Lakes: Biology |
Transekt 2 | Lakes: Biology |
Transekt 3 | Lakes: Biology |
Transekt 4 | Lakes: Biology |
Transekt 5 | Lakes: Biology |
Transekt 6 | Lakes: Biology |
Transekt 01 | Lakes: Biology |
WIECHS R 3 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Oberdorfen T 14f | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
OBERDORFEN Q 19 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Emling (Straßmeier) 906 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
FORSTERN BR. 1 alt | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
STADT KOLBERMOOR 15A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
PASTETTEN Q 18 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
PASTETTEN T 13 | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
POING D 83 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
POLIZEI 9 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Am Gries B2G | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Erding-Siglfing | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Oberdorfen T 14t | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
BOCKHORN T 16 | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
SENDLING 301 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
TURNERWEG 5 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
STAATSWALD 9 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
AISINGER LANDSTR. 30 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
LEITZACHSTRASSE 31 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
FERNM.A.AICHERSTR.5 18 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
SPORTPL.SCHWAIG 19 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
ENDORFER AU 20 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
OBERWOEHR-MANGF.AU 21A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
FT-SPORTPL. 22 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
ZOLLAMT 23A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
WWA 24A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
RIEDERGARTEN 25 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
KRANKENH.PARKPL. 26 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
PFAFFENHOFEN 120 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
ANZINGERSAUSCHUETT305A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Hohenlinden 2 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Wolfersberg 2 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
REICHERTSHEIM T1 | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
SUEDOE.SCHWABERW. 304A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
FORSTH KIRCHSEEON 304A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
HOHENLINDEN 307 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
POERING 266A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
ANZING 306A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
MRKT SCHWABEN 79/232 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BF.GRAFING 202 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
EBERSB.FORST 1 525 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
EBERSB.FORST 2 526 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
FORSTINNING 511 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
KIRCHSEE0N 903 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
MARKT-SCHWABEN 905 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
SR/GW EBE FO 02 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
SR/GW EBE FO 03 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
SR/GW EBE FO 04 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
SR/GW EBE FO 05 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
SR/GW EBE FO 06 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
OBELFING 306 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
HOHENLINDEN 904 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
VOLKSSCHULE 1 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
SPORTPLATZ 2 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
TRAFO HOLZHOFWEG 6 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BAHNBETRIEBSGEL. 7 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
FLUSSMEISTERSTELLE 10 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
LEDERERZEILE 11 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
AMTSGERICHT 12 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
LEBZELTER 13 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
HUNDT,WEBERZIPFEL 15 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
AUF DER BURG 19 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
FEUERWEHRHAUS 20 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
VOLKSSCHULE 1A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
SPORTPLATZ 2A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BAHNTUNNEL 16A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
WAITH R 4 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
MIETRACHING R 13 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
WEIDACH R 20 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BERBLING R 21 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
ORTHOFEN R 23 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
HOEGLING R 24 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
MARKFELD R 26 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
ADLFURT R 27 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
MAXLRAIN R 30 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
HINRICHSSEGEN R 31 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
UNT.-HEUFELD R 32 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
FELDOLLING R 34 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
VAGEN/MANGFALL R 35 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
HOEGLING R 41 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
OBERADLFURT R 42 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BERBLING R 45 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GOETTING MANGF. 50 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BRUCKMUEHL U.STR. 51 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
ASSLING 65/206 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BAD AIBLING R 28 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
THUERHAM/AIBLING R 43 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
FUERSTAETTER-SCHULE 1 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
ESV-SPORTPLATZ 2 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
FINSTERW.-GEIGELST. 3 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GASTHAUS WALDECK 7 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BAUHOF BAD AIB. KO 37 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BLUMENSTRASSE KO 39A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
ST. 2078 ARMCO KO 41 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BRUECKENWIRT KO 42 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
SPINNEREI KO 43 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
EV. KIRCHE KO 45 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
STRASSENBAUAMT 32 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
PAPIERF.NIEDERM. 33 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
INNSBRUCKERSTR. 34 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
SPORTPL.TSV 1860 35 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
DB-FAHRLEITUNGSBAU 36 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Kaltenbach - Kufsteiner Str. 86 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Kaltenbach - Wallberg Str. 10 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GM1 SCHWIMMBAD KO | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GM2 ZUGSPITZSTRASSE KO | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
GM 4 AIBLINGERAU 26 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
FROTZHOFEN T5 | Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer |
Kläranlage Feldkirchen Westerham 07 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Pumpstation Feldolling B6G | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Unterwasserbecken Leitzachwerke 02 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Am Gries B1G | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Am Gries B3G | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Am Gries B4G | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Am Gries B5G | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
G1 HRB Feldolling | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
G3 HRB Feldolling | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
G6 HRB Feldolling | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
G10 HRB Feldolling | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
G12 HRB Feldolling | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
G17 HRB Feldolling | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
G18 HRB Feldolling | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
G19 HRB Feldolling | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
G20 HRB Feldolling | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
G21 HRB Feldolling | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
G22 HRB Feldolling | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
G23 HRB Feldolling | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
B1V Vagener Au | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
B2V Vagener Au | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
B3V Vagener Au | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
B6V Vagener Au | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
G5 HRB Feldolling | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
G9 HRB Feldolling | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
G11 HRB Feldolling | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
G13 HRB Feldolling | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Gw 1 Schwaig | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Gw 2 Feldkirchener Straße | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Gw 4 Aiblinger Straße | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Gw 5 Ahornallee | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Gw 6 Schule Feldkirchen | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Gw 7 Sportplatz Vagen | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Gw 8 Leitzachkraftwerk Ost | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
BAD AIBLING TRIFTB._52A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Erdinger Wehr | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
WEIHENLINDEN R 11A | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
WESTERHAM R 15 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Erding-Klettham 1 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Erding-Klettham 2 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Erding-Klettham 3 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
SR/GW EBE FO 01 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Kupfgrabenquelle I + III | Groundwater: Flow of well, Temperature of springs |
WESTERHAM,SUEDL. R 7 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
WILLINGERAU R44B | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
WALDHEIM R 25 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
WILLING TANNENW.10 49 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
WOLFERSBERG 266 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
RIED R 37 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Erding HWS-NW1 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
WEINBERGER 4 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
20 KV MAST 5 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
ZIEHWEG HAUS NR 1 22 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
HEUFELD R 38 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
HEUFELD R 12 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
G27 HRB Feldolling | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
G30 HRB Feldolling | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
G31 HRB Feldolling | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
G28 HRB Feldolling | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
G29 HRB Feldolling | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Jolling GWM1 18700024 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
G25 HRB Feldolling | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
G24 HRB Feldolling | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
G33 HRB Feldolling BK60 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
G26 HRB Feldolling | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Erding HWS-AE1 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Erding HWS BSP 1 Neu | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
DORFEN B 3 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Erding HWS BSP 3 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
V2 Vagen | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
V5 Vagen | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
V3 Vagen | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
V1 Vagen | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
Feldolling P4 | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
V4 Vagen | Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer |
1132803700229 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131793700191 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131793700292 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131783700038 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
4110793700014 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131783700204 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
4120763900366 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131773800357 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131763700473 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131763800464 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
4120783800033 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131773800407 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
4110773700025 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131773700379 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
4110773800020 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131773700416 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131783900113 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
4110783900022 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131783800228 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131813700028 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131813700022 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131813700032 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131793900117 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
4120813700012 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
4120803700030 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
4120803700148 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131813800219 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
4120793800030 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
4110803900044 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
4110783900069 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
4120803700033 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131803700173 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
4120803800016 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131803900062 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
1131793900050 | Groundwater: Chemistry |
Dorfen, Kreis Erding | Meteorology: Precipitation, Snow |
Aßling | Meteorology: Precipitation, Snow |
Osterseeon | Meteorology: Precipitation, Wind, Air temperatur, Air moisture, Global radiation |
Straß | Meteorology: Precipitation, Wind, Air temperatur, Air moisture, Global radiation |
Asen | Meteorology: Precipitation, Wind, Air temperatur, Air moisture, Global radiation |
Reitmehring | Meteorology: Precipitation, Wind, Air temperatur, Air moisture, Global radiation |
Karolinenfeld | Meteorology: Precipitation, Wind, Air temperatur, Air moisture, Global radiation |
Bergham | Meteorology: Precipitation, Wind, Air temperatur, Air moisture, Global radiation |