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- unterhalb Doblmuehle >
- Master data
Master data unterhalb Doblmuehle
Site number: 109306
Community: Windorf, M
District: Passau
Operator: WWA Deggendorf
Body of water: Doblmühlbach
Catchment: --
Easting: 810963 (ETRS89 / UTM Zone 32N)
Northing: 5396226
- state measurement sites
extended master data - (PDF)
Picture of the measurement site
Location of the station unterhalb Doblmuehle / Doblmühlbach
Measurement site | Category |
Hofkirchen | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel |
Auerbach | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel |
Grafenmühle | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature |
Neustift | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel |
more measurement sites |