Gewässerkundlicher Dienst Bayern

Master data Zwickelsteig

Site number: 197753
Community: Philippsreuter Wald (gemfrei)
District: Freyung-Grafenau
Operator: WWA Deggendorf

Body of water: Schwarzbach
Catchment: --
Easting: 846206 (ETRS89 / UTM Zone 32N)
Northing: 5424330

Measurement site in these measurement networks:
  • state measurement sites

For the measurement site Zwickelsteig at the moment no extended master data available.

Picture of the measurement site

Picture of the measurement site

Location of the station Zwickelsteig / Schwarzbach

Measuring points in the vicinity
Measurement siteCategory
SymbolUnterkashofRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolLindenRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolRöhrnbachRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolWaldkirchenRivers: Waterlevel
Symbolnoerdl. Sonndorf (Standortuebungsplatz)Rivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolPegel UnterkashofRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolBRUECKE STAATSGRENZERivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolBruecke HaidmuehleRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolStadtpark HauzenbergRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolSchwarzenthal, oestliches OrtsendeRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symboloh WeidhütteRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolBruecke vor MuendungRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symbolu.h. MicheleckmuehleRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symbolsuedoestl. KlafferstrassRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolZwickelsteigRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolFurt suedlich BoehmzwieselRivers: Biology
SymbolRassreuth Quelle IGroundwater: Flow of well
SymbolPleckenstein I-IVGroundwater: Flow of well
Symbol4120714700137Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4120724800003Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4120714800047Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4110734600004Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4120734700009Groundwater: Chemistry
SymbolKringellMeteorology: Precipitation, Wind, Air temperatur, Air moisture, Global radiation
SymbolHauzenberg (Straßenmeisterei)Meteorology: Snow