- Start >
- Rivers >
- Discharge >
- Unterer Main >
- Goldbach >
- Master data
Master data Goldbach
Site number: 24758002
District: Aschaffenburg
Operator: Wasserwirtschaftsamt Aschaffenburg
Body of water: Aschaff
Catchment: 143.10 km2
River chainage: 8.39 km
Easting: 513414 (ETRS89 / UTM Zone 32N)
Northing: 5538088
Gauge zero point: 129.31 m NHN (DHHN2016)
Picture of the measurement site
Location of the station Goldbach / Aschaff
Measurement site | Category |
Rück | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel |
Goldbach | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel |
Alzenau | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel |
Hobbach | Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel |
more measurement sites |