Gewässerkundlicher Dienst Bayern
  • Deutsche Version

Master data Hof

Site number: 56001502
District: Hof
Operator: SymbolWasserwirtschaftsamt Hof

Body of water: Sächsische Saale
Catchment: 522.20 km2
River chainage: 391.00 km
Easting: 707452 (ETRS89 / UTM Zone 32N)
Northing: 5578719
Gauge zero point: 467.38 m NHN (DHHN2016)

Webcam-Bild der Messstelle

Webcam-Bild der Messstelle

Picture of the measurement site

Picture of the measurement site

Location of the station Hof / Sächsische Saale

5 km
Current location   

Measuring points in the vicinity
Measurement site
SymbolHofRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature, Suspended sediment
SymbolFörmitz SpeicherzuflussRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolRehauRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolKautendorfRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
Symbol more measurement sites