Gewässerkundlicher Dienst Bayern
  • Deutsche Version

Master data Neu-Ulm

Site number: 10026301
District: Neu-Ulm
Operator: SymbolWasserwirtschaftsamt Donauwörth

Body of water: Donau
Easting: 573049 (ETRS89 / UTM Zone 32N)
Northing: 5360022
Ground level: 465.00 m above sealevel

Observed since: 1993
Maximum watertemperature since 1993: 24.4 °C
Mean watertemperature since 1993: 10.5 °C
Minimum watertemperature since 1993: -0.1 °C

Picture of the measurement site

Picture of the measurement site

Location of the station Neu-Ulm / Donau

Measuring points in the vicinity
Measurement siteCategory
SymbolNeu Ulm, Bad HeldRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature, Suspended sediment
SymbolRothRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolWiblingenRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature
SymbolNeu Ulm, Bad Held QRivers: Runoff
SymbolGerlenhofenRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolWiblingen PegelRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolBöfinger Halde, KW-UWRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symbol50m uh. Rampe km 18,6Rivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolLudwigsfeld BrückeRivers: Chemistry
SymbolStraßenbr zum KW OberelchingenRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolStraßenbr. BubenhausenRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolBr. uh. Vöhringen Rivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symboloh. Mdg. Hurlenbach Rivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symbol350 m oh Fußgängerbr - oh StraßRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symboluh. ehem. KA BühlRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symboluh. Schwelle Altenstadt - km 29,116Rivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolBr. oh. Mdg. Rivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symboluh. Mdg. Hauptgraben Rivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolLeipheim - Wegbr. Baumgartenstr.Rivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolOh. Mündung, Iller km 18,6Rivers: Biology
SymbolSENDEN 6BGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolUNTEREICHEN 931Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolGERLENHOFEN B3Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolVOLKERTSHOFEN B5Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolAU/KLAERANLAGE D 74Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolOBENHAUSEN D 13Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolSTEINHEIM D 23Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolRIEDHEIMGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolIllertissen T 12Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer
SymbolRoggenburg T 13Groundwater: Deep groundwater layer
SymbolZELLER MUEHLBACH 1302Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolSCHLUESSELHOF 12Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBETLINSHAUSEN 754Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolGERLENHOFEN 7BGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolLUDWIGSFELD 8Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolFINNINGEN TAL 13Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolFINNINGENBERG 13AGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolSTEINHEIM 14BGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolLEIBI 15Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolWEISSINGEN 16Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolRIEDHEIM NR 78 17BGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBUBENHAUSEN 420AGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolPFUHL 9AGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolUNTEREICHEN 933Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolOBERHAUSEN 922Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolPFAFFENHOFEN 929Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolWALLENHAUSEN 930Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolVOEHRINGEN 971Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolLEIPHEIM/RIEDHEIM 17DGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolJEDESHEIM B 12Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolILLER KM 29.116 6 UGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolILLER KM 29.116 42 UGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolILLER KM 25.2 2502Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolNOERDL.ILLERZELL 1001Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolAU,CHEM.FABRIK GRUE.CGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBELLENBERG WV AGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBELLENBERGER WEG CGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolAUER WEG EGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolNORDW. ILLERTISSEN LGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolAU, RATHAUS FLBR.Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolAU, FINKENWEG FLBR.Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolAU,UNTERER SAUM BGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolILLERTISSEN 2103Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolVOEHRINGEN/WALZM. 973Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolILLER KM 25.2 2515Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolILLER KM 25.2 2516Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolILLER KM 27.1 2718Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolILLERTISSEN 2303Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolAU D 24Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolLEIPHEIM 18 AGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolSenden, Landsbergerstr. (N1)Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolSenden, Illerwehrstr. N2Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolSenden, Gewerbepark N3bGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolSenden, Sportplatz N3aGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolSenden, Bahnlinie N4Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolIllerzell, Schulzentrum N5Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolIllerzell, Friedhof N6Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolThal Nord (Schlössleweg) N7Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolVöhringen, Schleifweg (Friedhof) N8Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBellenberg Süd, St 2031 N9Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolVöhringen, Emmershofer Weg (101)Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolVöhringen, Bauschuttdeponie (M3)Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolVöhringen, Kässbohrer Süd (BGW 5)Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolIllerberg, Kässbohrer Ost (BGW 7)Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolWullenstetten, Kässbohrer Nord (BGW 2)Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolThal, PrielwegGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolVöhringen, Iller Fluß-km 17,2Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolAussiedlerhof, nördlich IllerzellGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolAy, Unterm SchloßGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolAy, Zufahrt SportanlageGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolAy, Lusthauser StraßeGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolAy, AlemannenstraßeGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolSenden, An der Bahnlinie (Straße NU 3)Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolGerlenhofen, An der BahnlinieGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolGerlenhofen, Hausener StraßeGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolGerlenhofen, nördlich an BiotopflächeGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolNeu-Ulm, Ludwigsfeld westl. der BABGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolNeu-Ulm, Ludwigsfeld, Ortsrand SWGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolNeu-Ulm, Ludwigsfeld, Auffahrt B30 - BABGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolNeu-Ulm, Ludwigsfeld, Ulmer RiedGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolNeu-Ulm, Ludwigsfeld Verkehrsübungspl.Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolFinningen, Alte RömerstraßeGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolNeu-Ulm, SchulzentrumGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolPfuhl, BreitenhofstraßeGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolNeu-Ulm, Am Kanal, nördl. EuropastraßeGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBURLAFINGEN 14Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolILLERTISSEN 2204Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolVOEHRINGEN D 72Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolPFUHL D 22Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolTHAL 752Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolHAUSEN 935Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolREUTTI D 21Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolLUDWIGSFELD B1Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolUNTERELCHINGEN 11Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolWULLENSTETTEN 751Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBETLINSH./ILLERTISS.KGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBELLENBERG/MUEHLBACH AGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolLeipziger StraßeGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBellenberg, südl. SportanlageGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBELLENB./MUEHLB. 1604Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolGablonzerweg, UnterflurGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBELLENB./WERKKANAL1602Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBellenberg, Grieshofweg, UnterflurGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBELLENBERG/WANGEN 1601Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBELLENB./ILLERUF. 1701Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBELLENBERG BGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBellenberg, Parkplatz SportanlageGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBELLENBERGER AU 1702Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBellenberg, Illertaltangente, UnterflurGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBELLENB./TANGENTE 1603Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBETLINSHAUSEN 969Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolLudwigsfeld süd, IllerkanalGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolAUWALD VOEHR. 1503Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolIM BRAND VOEHR. 1502Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
Symbol4110752700017Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol1131772600051Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4110762600013Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4110762600010Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4110762700001Groundwater: Chemistry
SymbolWeißingenMeteorology: Precipitation, Wind, Air temperatur, Global radiation