Gewässerkundlicher Dienst Bayern

Master data 1131812900194

Site number: 1131812900194
Community: Irsee
District: Ostallgäu
Operator: WWA Kempten

Aquifer: Quartär
Measurement site depth under ground: 37.20
Ground level [mNN]: 796.63
Measuring point height [mNN]: 797.43

Groundwaterbody name: Moränenland - Unterthingau
Groundwaterbody code: 1_G043

Measurement site currently in these measurement networks:

  • entire measuring network
  • WFD measuring network
  • measuring network for implementing the German fertilizer regulation (DüV §13 a) - 2022

Location of the station 1131812900194

Measuring points in the vicinity
Measurement siteCategory
SymbolDurachRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolStielingsRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolZaisertshofenRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolLechbruckRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
Symbol more measurement sites